Sunday, December 30, 2012

#WorstFriends Best Of...

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia season 8

I have no problem saying “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” is my favorite TV show.

No, it doesn’t have the butt-puckerin’ qualities of “Homeland,” the perpetual unspoken power struggles of “Mad Men,” or the fantastic medieval groomed nudity of “Game of Thrones,” nor do I watch it for the same reasons I watch those shows.

I watch Always Sunny to laugh. Not just to laugh here and there, but to constantly fluctuate between a sustained giggle and a hearty laugh from deep in the gut.

I love comedy, and without it, most shows just don’t hit home with me. “Mad Men” sprinkles it in quite often. Think of Don tossing a beer can into the wilderness as Betty whips trash off the picnic blanket, or Pete Campbell dragging a dead secretary across the office during an important meeting with clients. It helps lighten things up, which is needed to give viewers a break from Jon Hamm’s threatening scowls and stunning half smiles. The same holds true for “Game of Thrones.” Tyrion quips “Why are all the gods such viscous cunts? Where’s the God of tits and wine?” and after voraciously motivating his men to fight to the death against impossible odds, Theon Greyjoy is thunked on the head by one of said men who is ready to go home.

 But those shows don’t serve the same purpose as Always Sunny. The gang’s nonstop one-upping, machine-gun pitch-changing dialogue and extreme narcissism (without merit, I might add), combined with harebrained get-rich-quick schemes hastily executed, makes my stomach and cheeks hurt from laughing pains. The false sense of entitlement and achievement, and the attempts to fit in where they don’t belong makes Dennis, Dee, Mac, Charlie and Frank the funniest people on TV. And when you’re like me, and like to laugh (Who doesn’t? Cynical assholes, I guess.), there’s no better place than Paddy’s Pub – not Westeros, not Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, and not Abu Nazr’s palace.

 It’s not enough for me to just let something be entertaining, though. I never stop stacking things up against one another or considering the highs and lows of a show or episode. That’s how I’m wired. And because of this, I feel the need to give my opinion on the best of Always Sunny Season 8. Below, I will rank the 10 episodes from worst to best, with #1 being the best. (I die a little bit each time I have to explain something as obvious as this. It’s disheartening.) There will be a brief explanation as to why I ranked each episode where I did. After that, I will rank who I felt were the strongest (funniest) characters in season 8. When I say characters, I mean the five central characters – the gang.


 10. Charlie and Dee Find Love (8-4): Dee tries to woo a rich guy who is slumming it, and Charlie begins a relationship with an upper-class hottie, which ends when he hilariously publicly dumps and humiliates her. The Waitress is reeled into the shenanigans, as she is recruited to bring Charlie back to his senses. But really, The Waitress, I felt, was just included to give old fans like me a chance to say “Hey, look! The Waitress!” Not a horrible episode, but not memorable.
 9. The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre (8-3): I could’ve easily ranked this one 10th, but slid it up to ninth because it gives us some unfamiliar territory, which is where the gang shines (think of their attempts to gain entry in a country club pool, sneak into a Phillies game or their jaunt to the Jersey Shore). This was the Halloween episode, and while it was nice to see someone incorporate the Miami bath-salts all-you-can-eat face buffet into a Halloween zombie scenario, it just didn’t do much for me beyond that. Yes, it featured the McPoyles and Ponderosas. However, like a few episodes this season, it almost put them on screen just for the sake of having them on screen (see The Waitress above). I loved a lot of the new places and new ideas this season, but not in this episode. It was fun to see them try something different, though.
 8. Charlie’s Mom has cancer (8-6): The highlight in this one was Frank manipulating his children into thinking their mother is still alive, culminating in Charlie digging up her corpse at the end in front of the twins. There are also some good laughs when Charlie, Mac and Dennis go to church, which leads to them hosting a Beef and Beer and Jesus fundraiser. Diddy (yes, Diddy) was also a pleasant surprise in this episode – kudos to him for holding his own. Good stuff.
 7. Charlie Rules the World (8-8): Early in the episode, Dennis states that if Charlie ever ruled the world, he would blow himself, which he kind of does (it’s hard to explain). Basically, the premise of this episode is that everyone besides Dennis is swept up into a role-playing game, and Charlie eventually becomes obsessed with it, practically enslaving Sweet Dee (who was the catalyst for getting the others hooked). This episode once again features Charlie blowing it with a beautiful woman; this time because he’s threatened it’s a coup to overthrow what he has built in the game.
 6. Pop-pop: The Final Solution (8-1): As far as season premieres go, this one was pretty good. I’ve noticed something about my favorite comedies – Always Sunny, Workaholics and Wilfred. The seasons usually start out pretty mellow. Sure there’s some good laughs, but it takes a few episodes to really get rolling, and for the big laughs to start flowing. In the third paragraph, I alluded that Sunny usually keeps me on the laugh-o-meter between “giggling like a schoolgirl” and “laughing like Liotta in ‘Goodfellas.’” This episode mostly sustained a level slightly above giggling, mostly in the area of “gently chortling with the occasional guffaw,” but never hit the Liotta level. Charlie and Mac devouring rotten assisted-living soup, and Mac discovering the key to Hitler’s rage got me close, though. The only gripe was that at one point, the episode basically says “Hey! Remember Cricket? He works in an animal shelter! Laugh at that!”
 5. The Gang Recycles Their Trash (8-2): With all of my griping about episodes blatantly trying to appease old fans by bringing back characters just for the sake of doing so, it should make perfect sense that this one, which alters old stories, schemes and settings slightly around a new plot, is ranked this high on the list. I guess you could say I’m a “Wild card bitches!!!” (That’s how you foreshadow. Yay Yay!)
 4. Reynolds vs. Reynolds: The Cereal Defense (8-10): The finale was pretty good. Frank, due to his poor eyesight, smashes into the back of Dennis’ car, spilling Dennis’ cereal all over the place. Yes, Dennis was eating cereal while driving. I’m thinking of trying it. Anyhow, to settle the matter, the gang sets up a mock courtroom in the bar, with Dennis being represented by Sweet Dee, Charlie representing Frank (you know Charlie had to get in lawyer mode, which is always a good time), and Mac serving as bailiff/judge. Mac, in an attempt to prove he is a credible witness, uses signs reading “bitch” to draw a parallel between evolution and creationism, which is probably the best part of the episode. Though I enjoy the episodes outside of the bar more (not counting Chardee MacDennis), ending the season back at Paddy’s was not a bad thing.
 3. The Gang Gets Analyzed (8-5): This was the point where the season really kicked it into high gear. Dee brings in the rest of the gang to speak with her therapist to prove they are responsible for her issues. On the couch, Mac is manic. Frank breaks down and lets the audience in on his time spent living with a “Frog Kid.” Dennis, with his ever-growing egomaniacal personality, obviously refuses to be analyzed, instead opting to perform his own psychological evaluations and assist the doctor. While there were good episodes before this one, this is where the season went from “Meh, that’s funny,” to “HOLY SHIT! HAHAHAHAHA.” Did I mention the whole episode is in a therapist’s office? Did I mention that therapist was Trudy fuckin’ Weigel?! It couldn’t have been easy topping this one.
 2. The Gang Dines Out (8-9): Gugino’s Italian Restaurant was supposed to be the place Mac and Dennis went for their monthly dinner… alone. Then, separately, Frank and Charlie show up (Frank wearing a ridiculous hairpiece, I should add). Later, we learn Dee has been there all along, and all alone, cashing in on a groupon coupon (or is it just groupon? Who cares?). Dennis doesn’t like his chair, or their table, or the fact that Charlie and Frank are there. Frank isn’t very happy Mac and Dennis are at the restaurant, either. This episode has tons of laughs, my favorite being when Charlie and Mac, both who believe the two parties should pay tribute to one another with a bow directed at the other table, happen to lock eyes. Neither one tries to hide it, much to the chagrin of their respective dining partners. There’s a hilarious musical confession by Dennis, blatant boob-grabbing and a shoelace-related prank by Dee, to boot. Loved it from start to finish.
 1. Frank’s Back in Business (8-7): We get to see Frank, or as he’s known in the corporate world, the Warthog, in action as a businessman. Charlie, of course, serves as his assistant and protégé. (Interesting, as he’s illiterate, as Dennis points out.) Speaking of Dennis, he decides to “wear another man’s skin,” meaning he assume the identity of Brian LeFeve, a Canadian businessman. With Dee and Mac (as Vic Vinegar – bodyguard and driver) alongside him, Dennis carries out a ruse on some corporate fat cats looking to broker a deal with LeFeve. Not to mention he almost goes through with a very… risqué, to say the least, sexual act. For much of the season, we could see Dennis’ inflated sense of self bubbling to the surface, but it finally boils over in this episode when he “gets off.” I’m not going to lie. During this episode, I was getting off right alongside of him.


Ranking the gang

Who was the funniest person this season? 

5. Charlie: Humiliated two beautiful girls who were out of his class; admonished a priest for not helping his mom pay for cancer treatments; did his lawyer shtick.

4. Sweet Dee: Flipped out on her therapist, destroying her office; reprised her sassy Latina field reporter persona; neglects hygiene while she’s consumed by online gaming.

3. Mac: Gets sprayed by pesticide to heal a rash; makes a video for investors pushing an alcoholic protein shake; labels Aristotle, Galileo and Isaac Newton as little bitches; hilariously breaks down on the therapy couch.

2. Frank: Lies about Dennis’ and Dee’s mother still being alive; wears a hairpiece and grabs a hostess’ boobs; sells his old company to the Chinese; gets cut to the core on the therapist’s couch; shows a certificate proving he does not have donkey brains.

1. Dennis: Drives while easting cereal; has sex with Maureen Ponderosa on her wedding day; shows a sex tape to Mac and Frank; nearly has a “nontraditional” sexual encounter, which I don’t want to spoil if you haven’t seen the LeFeve episode; sees himself performing oral sex on himself… with a British accent; makes a hilarious confession set to music in Gugino’s.


Keep in mind this is all just my humble opinion. I love all of these characters, but anyone who would claim Dennis didn’t go completely over the edge this season is making crazy talk.


That’s a wrap. If you haven’t watched this season yet, don’t worry, I didn’t spoil too much for you. I could’ve written another 2,000 words easily, but was afraid this would become one big “season-in-review.” So there you have it – my favorite episodes and characters from Season 8.


Bring on Season 9.Humiliated Hu

Tim Barnum is a co-host of the #WorstFriends Podcast, a writer and a journalist.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

#WorstFriends review

The Hobbit: An Expected Journey to the Urinal

My last trip to Middle Earth was more than eight years ago, late spring 2004.It was similar to other trips, but my two friends and I who made the jaunt saw a few new sites this go-round, as we splurged for the director’s extended cut package.

A 12-plus-hour roundtrip on the red-eye – 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. – nonstop. We made it safely, besides getting flour in our eyes, noses and mouths and on the apartment floor. For some reason we decided this was the perfect night to embrace “antiquing.” Sophomoric? Yes. Idiotic? Yes.

But a fun trip nonetheless. I couldn’t wait to go back, and Saturday I did. It was everything I remembered.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey immediately reminds fans of how amazing the scenery, color and special effects were in the Lord of The Rings trilogy. I have lodged complaints about CGI on podcasts before, but this movie is proof it can be done right and done well. The dwarven cave-metropolis of Elebor is Avatar-ish, and there’s just something about wide scenes of bright green rolling hills with mountains and a bright blue sky in the background that feels right. Even if these scenes features orc-mounted giant wolf-cats chasing super rabbits towing a mushroom-addicted wizard with bird shit in his hair, it feels good.

The Shire, which we have visited several times, is another example of how easy on the eyes the movie is. However, it is also here where some of the weakest moments of the movie occur, and for too long. There are some fun moments, like when Elijah Wood drags his ass off the couch and takes a break from smoking dope with a man in a dog suit long enough to wink at the camera. This is before we go back 60 years before LOTR, and I wish the movie did not spend as much time in “present” day. It’s not like we’re here forever, but come on, I’ve been gone awhile, let’s do what we came here to do.

Finally we go back to the past, where Bilbo is being recruited by conquered dwarves and Gandalf for his skills with a set of sticky fingers. After tolerating a couple of corny dwarf songs, and a lot of forgettable pleading with a hobbit who really isn’t up for the job, the adventure begins, and Bilbo joins the roving dwarves out to reclaim their home.

I don’t want to give a bunch of details about everything that happened along the way. This movie was nearly three hours long, so I’m just going to throw out a couple of random thoughts here to get to some of my favorite parts of the movie. So I’m going to rattle off a random sequence of things that I want to point out, but not spend a lot of time on.

Three large horse-stealing-and-eating trolls. Rivendell. Agent Smith. Gandalf smoking what is clearly mind-altering tobacco. Weapons. Bilbo gets a sword that someone calls an envelope opener. Someone makes a joke about how golf was invented. (If I heard that right. I hope I didn’t.)

Amidst all this, we get an incredible flashback sequence. In it we see a stand-off between Thorin, the dwarf prince, leader of the aforementioned exiled dwarves, and the pale orc. The flashback provides some much-needed action, and establishes one of the many overwhelming obstacles our heroes have to overcome. Johnsy was using the terlet at this moment, and missed an important reference. More on this later.

The pale orc and his pack aren’t the only non-humans the fellas encounter on their way to reclaim Elebor. A new group of dwarves we run into are led by a fat-saggy-chinned orc, and not long after looking at his gross chin (CGI I did not need to see), we get what we all came for.


As Colin and I discussed in #WorstFriends 28, when Peter Jackson decides it’s go time, don’t blink. I’m not going to spoil what happens (we already did on the podcast), but think about past PJCs. These are not intense 15-30-minute sequences. Peter Jackson’s climaxes go all night long (If the sexual undertones amuse you, laugh. If not, groan.)

With roughly an hour remaining, as my friend Colin would say, “It’s butt-puckerin’ time.” The sequence is similar to the escape sequence at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring and the charge out of the castle during the battle of Helms Deep. There’s desperation, a face-off, balls and birds – an overall great ending to a very good movie.

Those last three words sum up my overall feelings about The Hobbit. It’s not great. It’s not better than The Two Towers or Return of the King, and although I could understand someone saying they liked it more than The Fellowship of the Ring, I’m not ready to go there. Close, but it just comes up a little short.

It was good enough to remind me how much I loved the original trilogy, though. And while I have probably grown more fanatical over other movies, TV shows and Harry Potter since LOTR wrapped up, I now find myself instantly looking forward to the new installment and the next PJC.

One more thing. I had to take a piss break about an hour and a half into the movie. I don’t believe I missed anything too critical, so this would be a good time for those of you without a bladder of steel to do the same.

Tim Barnum is one of the hosts of the #WorstFriends podcast, a writer and journalist.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

#WorstFriends 28

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It's The Hobbit week on #WorstFriends. Tim and Colin discuss it at the 44:52 mark, but there's plenty of great stuff before that, including a guest appearance from NBA Commissioner David Stern (1:09). Slap and tickles are given to a diverse cast of characters, from Michale Bolton (4:07, the singer not the guy from Office Space), and comedian Rob Little (6:08). On the flip side, Steve Young Stares are doled out (11:12) to a few people and Tim has a Tyrion request (27:52). Game of Thrones comes up (32:00), as does Tim's attempts to court the sexy grandmother (37:00). Listen and learn kiddies. STRINGER ALERT.

*There are some audio issues with Colin's track in the beginning of the podcast.*

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

#WorstFriends 27

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After Tim's suspension from the NBA is lifted, he and Colin get into their Slap and Tickles (2:40), which acknowledge Tickle from the Moonshiners, Benedict Cumberbatch and many more. Colin gives an update on his impeding #WorstHoneymoon (34:20). Bruce Campbell is coming to town (47:39), and the fellas are already looking forward to it. Tim has a concern about The Hobbit (50:45), and the podcast closes out with a discussion about the Stitcher Awards (58:25) and podcasts in general.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

#WorstFriends 26

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You know the deal with the #WorstFriends — You buy the whole seat but you only need the edge. Colin's upcoming NYC trip is discussed, and Tim may need to find a subsititute co-host. Tim got his hands on some NBA league office transcripts, and Colin will not see a movie because of Papa Stink (who's son is also mentioned on this episode). Follow the podcast on Twitter @WorstFriendsPod and like us on Facebook.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

#WorstFriends 25

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The fellas reflect on the first six episodes of the Walking Dead, and Colin stresses his disappointment with Merle's #SwissArmyNub. The Godfather was on during Thanksgiving, so naturally that comes up. Tim puts his name in the hat as a potential host of the Homeland post-show, "Bringing it home.... land." Slap and tickles are delivered to Rasheed Wallace and @CluelessHelen. Follow the #WorstFriends on Twitter @WorstFriendsPod and like them on Facebook.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

#WorstFriends 24

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The fellas reflect briefly on the election, and try to put the negativity of campaign season in the rearview mirror. Colin tells how he got embarrassed by a bad-mannered waiter, and tricked by "the phone company." Tim's turning over a new leaf with the power of positive thinking and flushing away the negative, starting with unfollowing Skip Bayless. They talk about their plans for an upcoming comedy show they plan on attending, and throw out some ideas to meet their goal of world domination. Check out Tim's pre-show monologue on spreaker by clicking here. Don't forget to follow @WorstFriendsPod on Twitter, and like us on Facebook.

#WorstFriends 23

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Don't worry, we're not going to describe the podcast with "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away," although there is a lot of talk about the big Disney-LucasFilms deal. Colin, the resident Star Wars expert, has a lot to say on the future of the franchise. Tim gives a #SlapAndTickle to his uncle Tony, or as you may know him, Anthony Bourdain, and officially welcomes Merle back to The Walking Dead. Colin's words for Netflix aren't so kind however. Follow the #WorstFriends on Twitter @WorstFriendsPod, and like us on Facebook too, dudes.

#WorstFriends 22

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A podcast that's all about the #SlapAndTickles and #AnalShanks, with some talk of the #CyrusToMichigan campaign sprinkled in. Listen and learn about Colin leaving it all on the field, and Tim's loneliness that has him considering befriending a volleyball. Calls at 6:30 a.m., feathers in chicken wings and taking good advice are all covered. Also, the boys unleash a new Worstie category involving nominations to a gangster rapper and former head of officiating for the NFL.

#WorstFriends 21

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It was recorded a couple of weeks before we gave it to you all, but it's here nonetheless. Tim and Colin tip their hats with a few #SlapAndTickles, making sure to note Justin Bieber's warrior spirit. They discuss their upcoming TV and movies awards show, and then get into some sports talk centered around the Detroit Lions and Tigers. Tim had hurt feelings about a bullying story, and Colin tries to talk him through it.

#WorstFriends 20

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It's the most anticipated podcast of the year... the long-awaited return of the #WorstFriends! Tim and Colin talk about why they've been away for so long, and reflect on their fantasy football draft (22:14) and Colin's wedding (13:05). Along with their Slap and Tickles (2:11) and Anal Shanks (9:25), the #WorstFriends introduce a couple of new segments — Expendables Watch (27:47) and The Most Pathetic Segment in Podcasting (43:48). Tim and Colin are joined by friend of the podcast Johnsy, aka Stats Gehlman for the podcast. They also react to seeing The Master, and Colin and Tim talks about watching Dave Chappelle and Marc Maron live (34:22). The guys also run down upcoming movies and shows they're looking forward to (48:15).

#WorstFriends 19

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In the immortal words of 2Pac, "Don't be picky, just be happy with this quickie." The #WorstFriends cut out some of the fat in this podcast, but still cover a whole lot of ground — from Tim's recent battle with a bat, to Colin's disappointment with "A Tom Cruise Production." The guys finally figure out why Colin's dog always barks at Tim and discuss the upcoming remake of Total Recall. Follow the #WorstFriends on Twitter @WorstFriendsPod, and like them on Facebook.

#WorstFriends 18

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It's Animation Appreciation Part 2. Colin and Tim talk about their favorite cartoons for grown-ups, such as Futurama, the Simpsons, South Park and Family Guy.

#WorstFriends 17

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It's Animation Appreciation Part 1 on this episode of #WorstFriends. Tim and Colin run down their top 5 cartoons for children and/or from when they were children. Tweet your top 5 to @WorstFriendsPod or like us on Facebook and post them on our page. And don't worry, there's still plenty of Slap and Tickles thrown around. Look for Part 2 coming soon.

Monday, July 16, 2012

#WorstFriends 16

#WorstFriends 16 MP3
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The #WorstFriends make their #SlapAndTickles, and then take a look back at the first half of the Detroit Tigers' season.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

#WorstFriends 15

#WorstFriends 15 MP3
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Tim and Colin give out #SlapAndTickles to NJ Governor Chris Christie and a couple Detroit sports coaches. The also introduce the #SlapAndTickle's counterpart, the #AnalShank. Tim gives an update on his latest attempt at writing a book, and the #WorstFriends brainstorm about a blog for Colin.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

#WorstFriends 14

#WorstFriends MP3
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Tim and Colin send out sincere regards to TomKat, and then give their slaps and tickles. They discuss the first episode of "Newsroom" and recognize unappreciated and underused actors.

Monday, June 18, 2012

#WorstFriends 13

#WorstFriends 13 MP3
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Tim and Colin are talking sports. Colin describes the greatest college football experience ever had in one day. Tim runs down several recent events, including David Stern's spousal abuse exchange with Jim Rome. The #WorstFriends list their 5 most hated athletes.

Friday, June 15, 2012

#WorstFriends Email exchange part 3

Colin’s third message:

No, people will think you are misspelling Yoda, which is cool with me because I love Yoda.  Sometimes I wish that is how I lived, just chillin' in a hut, making some kickass stew, and moving things with my mind.

I've only shot a bow and arrow once, when I was a bit younger, I aimed straight up in the air, let loose, and ran my ass back inside the house.  My parents took the bow and arrow away, so I never got to target practice.

I will admit that the podcast in its current state is a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be.  We are still trying to establish how entertaining it is for our listeners, and to go beyond that, how many actual listeners we have.  We are extremely grateful for everyone that listens, but you're right that eventually our goal would be to be much more visible, so that random strangers feel the need to give us a listen.  I'm fine with investing a bit more money, but I still feel, to quote Zuckerberg, "We still don't know what it is yet."  I still think we need to establish a clear mission, vision and goals.  If a sponsor were to magically call us and say they have heard of us, but wanted to know what we were about, what would be our 30 second sales pitch?  What is our grab- you- buy -the -gonads 2-3 sentences that not only explains who we are, but what we talk about, and what we envision our product to be in 5 years? 10 years?  "Rich as hell off the best podcast in the world" is nice, but I can't see Anti-Chafe forking over serious cash based on that premise.

Before we move too quickly and start investing (or losing) our hard earned cash, we need to think these things through.  We've moved hastily before and its left us with 100 robot "Likes" on Facebook and our poor friend Rod Knee waiting for his blood-signed #WorstFriends t-shirt.  What we want isn't going to happen instantly.

That point, along with your film critic thoughts, and something you mentioned earlier about our ADD-spur-of-the-moment culture, is fascinating to me.  Nowadays it seems everyone, especially in our generation, is a novice at everything, but an expert of nothing.  There are very few in our generation that would call themselves "buffs", and not in the Ron Ron Juice way, but being an expert on one or multiple things.  Like my dad is a history buff, he can recite and remember some of the most obscure moments in not just American history, but Irish as well.  My friend Mikey is as close to a buff as I've seen among people my age, in that his knowledge of American history is fairly expansive, but thats only because he went to school for it.  He asks me if I'm excited for "Hatfields and McCoys" the first thing I do is Google them so that I know what I'm talking about.  That is all our generation does when there is a lack of knowledge, we Google it.  I guess you could call yourself a political buff, but yet you never really pushed for that to be a focal point of our podcast, why is that?

Back in the old days (15 years ago?) you had to research, and ask questions, and spend a long time, sometimes years, in order to gather an expansive amount of insight on something that interests you.  That is how you become a tv or movie critic, you are someone who has spent an inordinate amount of personal time learning all there is to know about something.  Sure penis professor sounds a bit wacky, but he's probably spent about as much time considering that theory as you and I have on Facebook.

I would have liked a podcast focused on something specific that I have a great deal of knowledge on, but like I said, my educational background and yours would most likely be quite boring to our regular friends.  So instead we Google and Wikipedia and read blogs and episode recaps and gorge ourselves on as much info as we can stomach as soon as possible, then we regurgitate it with some sprinkling of personal opinion and smart ass comments, and hope people like it.  I said at the beginning we need to find our own voice, and I think we've made progress, but it still feels like something unique and truly entertaining to any random listener is still a ways away.

This response got a lot more serious near the end, but I guess I don't necessarily have numerical goals about Likes or Followers or downloads.  My goal would just be that in a year we are still doing this, its still fun, and we started to develop a loyal following of listeners that weren't just bullied into listening.  Also, thanks for ruining Clue for me.

I really don't have any questions after all of this, just looking for a deep introspective consideration of what I just wrote, and whereabouts I might find this petition for the "Free the Khaleesi's Twin Dragons" movement.

Final message:

I’m worried about your heavy usage of the word “random” in your last message. (You used it twice). Does anyone really randomly listen to podcasts? Let me list some of the ones I listen to (and yes, there are quite a few): WTF with Marc Maron, the Joe Rogan Experience, Hollywood Prospectus on the Grantland Network, Nerdist with Chris Hardwick, Dorktown and Brothers From Different Mothers. Only the latter two could be labeled as “random,” but even that would be a stretch. They followed us on Twitter. I followed them back, listened to their pods and enjoyed their shows, so I listened to more of them. I think they gave us a listen or two as well, and I’m sure one day we’ll all gather ’round the campfire, roast s’mores and wieners, and maybe even play truth or dare together. It’d be weird, because we’re all dudes for the most part. But hey, shit gets MAD REAL on camping trips. (There was a girl on the last Dorktown I listened to. She’s not invited on the camping trip.)

The rest, however, are very far from random. I’m a fan of Joe Rogan’s standup and UFC commentary, and plus he always has compelling guests on, usually comedians. Maron, whose WTF podcast is pretty much the gold standard right now, is another seasoned comic with a ton of connections in the game (whether TV, standup or music). I also line up with him on a lot of things politically and socially, so that helps. As for Hollywood Prospectus, I can’t really talk about “Game of Thrones” or “Mad Men” with any of my friends around here, as none of them watch those shows. Instead, I kind of place myself in HP’s discussion (like our friend/fan Skac does with our podcast) and formulate my own reactions and thoughts pertaining to what they’re talking about. As for the Nerdist, it’s mostly about the guests. He’s interviewed NPH, the writers, actors and directors of “Airplane,” and Tenacious D — all very entertaining people.

And this is what makes it tough to figure out what happens next with this little baby we call #WorstFriends. We don’t have Rogan’s star power, or Hollywood Prospectus’ sugar daddy (Bill Simmons and his faceless pimp, ESPN). What do we do with our baby? I refuse to pull a Peggy Olson and rebuke it moments after birth. We may not know what it is, who’s listening and why, but we do know we both enjoy doing it. I’ve heard Steven Tyler talk about Aerosmith playing to near-empty bars and people hating their music. Jay Leno wrote in his book about doing standup shows to two people and in college study rooms while being told to keep it quiet. And we’re better looking and funnier than both of those guys combined. If a crackhead woman like Steven Tyler and a squeaky-voiced chin with legs like Jay can do it, by God so can we.

Alright, now that I Tyrion’ed you with that last sentence, and you’re ready to go to war on the banks of the Black Water, let me try to address something you actually asked or wrote other than the word “random.” I have no doubts about our lack of knowledge on most of the topics we discuss. But the topics are things that we enjoy, or things that make us say “huh?” or things that piss us off. If we didn’t like “Entourage,” we wouldn’t have talked about it for almost two hours. If it didn’t piss you off that the King Nerd at the comic shop Gandalf’ed wi-fi access for you, you wouldn’t have talked about it.

You don’t need to be a buff to be interesting and entertaining. If you’re excited about what you’re doing, people will get excited to. It’s that whole thing of projecting your personality. And don’t stick up for Professor Dick Boy. He was a hack.

Do we lack direction? Yeah. Sure. Hell I’m the poster boy for the ADD-prisoner-of-the-moment culture I mentioned in my first message. I make Internet comedy videos, podcast, write satire news stories, am working on a book, have toed the water in standup, moved to L.A. last year, moved back home and am moving again; AND I have a full-time job.

On top of all that, I got this new motto “YODO” I’m really trying to shove down everyone’s throats, which may trump everything I mentioned above.

I almost forgot to mention the petition drive to free the Khaleesi’s twin dragons, which comes around to your question about politics. The petition is currently the extent of my political activism, not counting pointing out the similarities between King Joffrey and Mitt Romney. It really isn’t that fun of a topic for me anymore. I enjoy political humor, but unfortunately people in this country still carry on this charade that they are offended by mean (usually true) things about ideology and politicians. I just don’t have the time to argue with dipshits anymore.

I’ve written almost as much in these emails as I have in my future New York Times Bestseller “Cannidit,” and have nothing left to give. Next time we’re together, we’re going to work on my next video — me going door-to-door requesting signatures to free the Khaleesi’s twin dragons.

Let me know if a sponsor magically calls you. I’ll tell you if I stumble across any phallic symbols lying around.

#WorstFriends Email exchange Part 2


You busting out "in journalism" is exactly like me saying "well in the Game of Thrones book, THIS happens instead."  No one likes that type of person.  Your "journalism" experience does shines through with such a well written response, I'm just left curious as to why absolutely none of your actual newspaper articles are ever written so well or are so insightful?

And two spaces after a period is APA style, which I had to use when writing my thesis about workplace bullying, which you sir, heretofore, I do declare, are yourself, that which I just previously spoke of..... a bully. 

As for my smirk faced comments, I'm not sure if I use a colon or semi-colon here, anyway, my rebuttel:  I sent you the first article about the zombie eating the homeless guy's face and said we need to talk about how we are preparing; I've been telling you to watch season 5 of The Wire for a year now so naturally when you finished we were going to discuss it; and the Entourage episodes (my idea, which you later admitted you disliked only because I thought of it first) originally was going to be a bulky 2 hour straight pod, until you decided to break it in two.  Part 2 was only downloaded three times because, and I know because I checked, we really only have three friends who listen to the pod who actually watched the show.  But I digress...

Now that we have that out of the way, I will concede that I was initially against the more free flowing format.  That is only because I personally need to have more of my thoughts laid out in preparation.  That is so we don't come across as two mouth breathers with nothing to say because we didn't know the other was going to bring up a certain topic (insert Days of our Lives which was brought up in episode 12).  That being said, I feel like we have found a decent mix of randomness and organized focus.  The opening segments definitely give almost everyone a reason to listen, and then depending on the overall topic, others can hang around to see what our thoughts are on certain shows, movies, current life events, or erotically dancing little buddies.

All of these adaptations/improvements/changes are going to be beneficial because my initial worry about the podcast was that we would run out of ideas.  At first we discussed having lists of favorite/best tv shows and movies and actors and characters etc.  I was also hesitant about us podcasting about things we basically have a half-assed understanding of.  I wanted to have a unique podcast where we talked about things we actually know quite a bit about.  The sad realization that I came to was that everything I am very educated on is kinda piss-boring (at least by others standards, I personally find my background fascinating).

You kept pressuring us to talk about things we basically knew jack about, but during that process I feel like we have established a unique persona where we accept that we know jack, but hmmph WHO CARES; we're fans, we have opinions, and we have microphones.  Our perspectives, while uneducated and unsubstantiated, are our own and we just hope people like listening.  Its still painfully clear though, especially when we discuss television shows, that we are in no way qualified to be actual critics, but instead basically give smart-ass comments about little people and a lack of nudity from our favorite little khaleesi.

What are your thoughts on where the podcast is now?  Is it what you had initially envisioned? What sacrifices do you feel you made during the development of this show before giving birth to it in a bathtub?


I’m going to flip it on ‘em, because, in the words of Busta Rhymes, “Flip mode is the greatest.” Instead of addressing your cruel comments aimed at my career and allegations of bullying, I’m going to first answer your questions.

The podcast, in its current state, is better than I thought it would be, but not as good as it will be. Like you mentioned above, I think the changes will be beneficial because we’ll never run out of content. Something ridiculous happens ever day in this crazy world we live in. It seems we agree the podcast is better in its 12th episode than its first, although we may never agree on whose idea it was to discuss zombies and outbreak preparations (mine).

It’s not as good as it will be, because we still have a lot to learn and accomplish when it comes to interviewing guests, creating a theme song, recurring segments, etc.

As far as my initial vision of the podcast, we’re close. You know how an archery target has a yellow circle for a bull’s eye, then a larger blue circle around that, then a series of increasingly larger white circles just to make people feel good about hitting the target? I’d say we’re right on the line between the blue circle and first white circle. A little further away, we’d be in a position of “Well, at least you hit the target.” And if we were a little closer, we’d be damn close to my initial vision of the greatest podcast ever in the world.

And now, the sacrifices. Really, the major sacrifice has been time. I don’t think either of us has spent money on the podcast outside of buying some inexpensive microphones and a ticket to “The Grey.” Sacrificing time, which is not money, despite what we have been led to believe by over-aggressive businessmen in movies and television, is not something I regret, because, you know, you only die once. (I’ve been saying this for years, and think “YODO” is cooler than “YOLO,” which people use as a reasoning for stupid ass stuff like “Drinking a beer. YOLO!” But I digress.) We are getting to the point where I think a financial sacrifice is needed for growth. In my opinion, it’s time to buy hosting from a service like libsyn so we can get up on iTunes without trying to manipulate the system.

Oh, by the way, what’s all this stuff about our perspectives being uneducated and unsubstantiated? What qualifies someone to be a TV critic anyways? I had a college professor who sat on a panel at a television conference to discuss his essay about Spongebob Squarepants being OCD. Is that what makes someone smart? Let’s not forget I also had a course in college titled “John Carpenter films.” Is making sense out of Kurt Russell’s surfboard heroics in “Escape from LA” what it takes to be an “expert” on film? You know what Carpenter was really doing there? Trying to show he is “with it” and knows what the kids want. You know what he actually did? Made an ass out of himself and Kurt Russell. The Spongebob professor thought everything that was long and thin was a phallic symbol — the knife used to kill Col. Mustard in the billiard room — it’s a penis! That candle lit in a dark room so our protagonist could see a book, it’s a penis! The hot dog the man bought a baseball game for his son, you guessed it! A penis!

If being educated means over-thinking cartoons and finding penises in strange places, count me out. I’ll keep it real and discuss heads sliced in two from the eyes up and my desire to see a bare-breasted khaleesi. (I think I’m going to start a petition demanding this in season 3. Will you join me in this noble quest?)

I’m going to ignore the snarky comments in your email, putting an end to the petty back and forth, and establishing myself as the bigger man.

What happens next with the podcast? Do you have any goals when it comes to downloads, Facebook likes, Twitter followers, guests or audience participation? Did you know you misspelled rebuttal? Will YODO catch on?

The #WorstFriends Email exchange Part 1

Email one sent by Colin Wednesday, June 13

So I went with BBFG, Blatantly Borrowed From Grantland, as the title but we don't have to keep it.  I do feel that we initially need to establish we are taking this idea from the Simmons/Gladwell email exchange on, which they have done for a number of years.  We have both been discussing doing something like this, but their most recent back and forth finally prompted us to give it a try.

Enough sucking up to the Simmons teet, he needs time to bathe in the tears of a million Boston fans after the Celtics loss to the Heat in the Eastern Conference Championship.  Despite all of the seething LeBron hate and expert analysis (insert your Legler response here) calling for the old balls and chains of the Celtics to topple the Heat, there I was last night sleeping with one eye open until 11:30 p.m. watching Thunder vs Heat in game 1 of the NBA Finals.  We don't have to discuss this series, or the NBA playoffs right now, because I think we are going to touch on that during our next podcast.  It is the overall process of podcast topicography that I would like to discuss.

These past two weeks we have both come to a very congenial decision on what our podcast topics should be, and its safe to say that hasn't always been the case.  Why do you think this is?  Do you think our slight format change where the first segment is basically a free-for-all, allowing smaller topics to be discussed while not taking up the entire episode, has allowed for more variety?  Or have you just finally conceded to the fact that the majority of my ideas and topics are that much more entertaining, provocative, funny and interesting?

Tim’s response, sent Wednesday, June 13 

A couple of things before I respond. First off, were you implying that I was calling for the Icy Hot-lathered Celts to defeat Miami, or was that an easily misunderstood parenthetical placement regarding a Twitter conversation with my close friend Tim Legler? Second, you spelled “teat” incorrectly. And my third point before I respond: I hate the fact that you put two spaces after a period. In journalism, space is a commodity, and it irks me that you would be willing to waste space/paper if we were in fact printing this. Since we aren’t, I’m assuming you are wasting bandwidth/increasing file size. I can’t back up either assumption.

Now for the important stuff. I can only speak for myself concerning the changes, or shall I say, improvements (again, speaking for myself) to the podcast format. By commenting on current events and headline makers in the opening, I think it gives us more opportunities to make smartass wisecracks, at which we excel. In my honest opinion, I feel it better represents the ADD-prisoner-of-the-moment culture we podcast to. As for it allowing for more variety, yes, it does. Short segments about bald baseball coaches (episode 12) and Dennis Quaid (episode 11) in podcasts originally scheduled to discuss “Game of Thrones” and zombie attacks definitely gave our recent podcasts a “something for everybody” touch.

As for your comments at the end that you undoubtedly typed with a smirk on your face — I concede nothing. The zombie outbreak idea was mine, which led to the paradigm shift that will keep the podcast running for years. That episode also included discussion about “The Wire” season 5. Had I not watched it, we never could’ve discussed it — another reason the shift can be credited to me. Part 2 of the “Entourage” podcast (your idea) was downloaded three times.

I’m sure I didn’t answer all of your questions, but I have a tendency to go rogue. I’m an Aquarius. Whatever that means.

Do you like the fact that instead of an hour-long discussion on food and Frank’s Red Hot, we comment on recent occurrences and segue to a longer discussion? You seem resistant to change (not counting the fact that you’re getting marriage, moving or a new dog). What ideas discussed months ago do you think we definitely need to speak on?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

#WorstFriends 12

#WorstFriends 12 MP3
Right click and select save/download to download episode.

The #WorstFriends talk Game of Thrones season 2, old baseball coaches and soap operas. Yes, soap operas. Tim is mad at Dish Network. Colin read Game of Thrones the book, and reminds listeners often.

Monday, June 4, 2012

#WorstFriends 11

#WorstFriends 11 MP 3
Right click and select save/download to download

Colin appreciates the nicknames he learned while watching Hatfields and McCoys. Tim is shocked Dennis Quaid is doing TV. The summer's biggest blockbuster is revealed. Tim finally watched season 5 of The Wire, and Colin wants a silencer. The #WorstFriends begin to make their preparations for the zombie apocalypse. REMEMERTHALAMO!

Monday, May 28, 2012

#WorstFriends 10

#WorstFriends 10
Right click and select save/download to download

Tim and Colin reminisce about the good old days. They also share things about their former job that "chafed" them. Rate this podcast on twitter @WorstFriendsPod.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

#WorstFriends 9 (8b)

#WorstFriends 9 (8b) MP3
Right click and select save/download to download

The #WorstFriends continue their Entourage discussion, with a few interruptions due to a near-no-hitter by Tigers pitcher Justin Verlander. Colin does a little play-by-play commentary of the game, and Tim gives a depressing summary for the show's 7th and 8th seasons.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

#WorstFriends 8

#WorstFriends 8 MP3
To download, right click and select "save" or "download."
Were you a fan of the show Entourage? So were the #WorstFriends. That's why they talked about it for almost two hours! Here's the first half of their conversation. It covers important topics — Drama, Ari, Billy Walsh and more.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

#WorstFriends 7

#WorstFriends 7 MP3
To download, right click and select "download" or "save" 

Tim talks about his latest misadventures during a bachelor party, while Colin talks about a similar experience — free comic book day. Is the show Franklin and Bash also mentioned in this podcast? Yuuup.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

#WorstFriends 6

#WorstFriends 6 MP3
To download, right click and select save/download

The #WorstFriends dig in to one of their favorite topics — food. Tim and Colin discuss working in restaruants, ethnic food and their favorite dishes. They spice up the conversation the same way they spice up their food — with a heavy dose of Frank's Red Hot.

We apologize in advance if listening to this makes you hungry.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

#WorstFriends 5

#WorstFriends 5 MP3
To download, right click and select save or download

Shout out to 2Pac! Colin has a new puppy, and hasn't been enjoying its company. But he likes watching it poop, apparently. The lost podcast topic — Liam Neeson — is revisited and discussed. Tim loves Darkman, and thinks Battleship needs Liam Neeson. Colin thinks Star Wars Ep. 1 is better than Schindler's List. This podcast is commercial free.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

#WorstFriends 4

#WorstFriends 4 MP3
To download, right click and select download

Tim goes on a rant about his "Finding Bigfoot" experience. Colin reflects on great moments ruined for him, and then the #WorstFriends proceed to spoil several movies and twist endings. Enjoy. This podcast is sponsored by cigarettes.

Monday, April 9, 2012

#WorstFriends 3

#WorstFriends 3 MP3
To download, right click and select download

Tim sits down with Colin aka the Original Tim Tebow and they talk nerdy to one another. A lot is covered — Star Wars, Star Trek, Heroes and... the scene in "Cop Land" where Ray Liotta shoots 'em up with a lit cig in mouth. This podcast is bought to you by beds. People sleep in them.

#WorstFriends 2

#WorstFrieds 2 MP3
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Colin finally got his Internet fixed... for free! But Tim wants to know if he tipped the repairman. Colin has some doubts about Tim's latest venture into writing a book, but he does make some valid points. The #WorstFriends discuss their different tastes in books.

#WorstFriends 1

#WorstFriends MP3
To download, right click and select download

Tim and Colin cast the 2012 GOP Primary movie. Colin tries to get Tim to say why he hasn't watched season 5 of The Wire, and Tim tells why he no longer thinks playing the president in a movie is an honor.